Jean Pierre Joonnekindt and Arnaud Levannier (Schlumberger)
In this presentation we will explain a fractured reservoir modelling workflow, using an Industry standard software tool. The presented workflow has been applied in the framework of commercial consulting projects in different geological settings worldwide, however due to data sharing restrictions a synthetic data set is showcased representing a geothermal project. The workflow starts with the analysis and QC of structural geology data including wellbore fracture data. A structural framework model is then built to serve as the base for the creation of the geocellular grid and fracture model. Fracture modelling constraints are then applied to create a realistic discrete fracture network (DFN) based on geomechanics drivers. After applying a filter to distinguish between potentially productive vs non-productive fractures, the dynamic fracture properties can be upscaled and used in dynamic simulations. The proposed workflow demonstrate how state of the art modelling techniques from the O&G industry can easily be transposed in subsurface characterization for other industries where managing operational subsurface risk is a must. For those interested, a published case study of the same workflow can be found in “Fault-related fracture modelling in the complex tectonic environment of the Malay Basin, offshore Malaysia: An integrated 4D geomechanical approach, L. Maerten, X. Legrand, C. Castagnac, M. Lefranc, JP Joonnekindt, F. Maerten, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 105,2019,Pages 222-237, ISSN 0264-8172”