From exploration disappointment Trias-Westland to large-scale roll-out of new generation geothermal systems

May 15, 2019 | Lecture Archive

Tarek Hopman (Projectmanager HVC/ETP) and Floris Veeger (Project Manager Geothermie, Veegeo)

Trias Westland was founded by HVC, Capturam en Royal Flora Holland to explore for Triassic strata at 4km depth. The exploration objectives were met, but the reservoir appeared not suitable for geothermal exploitation.

HVC (with Energy Transition Partners amongst others) is moving forward with its ambitions to further roll-out geothermal project developments. Veegeo has captured – in cooperation with Hydreco GeoMEC en HVC – the various lessons learned from drilling, wells tests and exploitation, in order to come to an improved and novel well design. The drilled wells at Trias-Westland are extremely suitable for installation of Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) completions, and this was planned to be installed in April 2019.


The presentation is available on request.

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