Perception and support of natural gas (production) from small fields in the Netherlands

Dec 16, 2020 | Lecture Archive

Arendo Schreurs (deputy Secretary General of NOGEPA)

Natural gas production is under pressure in the Netherlands due to various societal and
economic reasons. Recently Kantar, commissioned by NOGEPA (the Netherlands Oil and
Gas Exploration and Production Association), conducted research into the perception and
support of natural gas (production) from small fields in the Netherlands. Several notable
results came out of this report. The Dutch population are aware that difficult choices must
be made in the energy transition and that transitioning away from natural gas will be
challenging. Although they note concerns about the safety of gas production due to
Groningen, they also are aware that natural gas will remain necessary for the coming years
until there are suffcient renewable energy sources to meet the energy demand. In this
context, more Dutch people have a positive attitude towards gas production from small
fields, for example to maintain independence from other countries. There is nonetheless a
strong preference for gas production offshore as compared to onshore. Meanwhile the
population have (very) little faith in local politics, government and companies producing
natural gas. These results show a nuanced perception and attitude towards national
natural gas (production), which raises the question of how the Dutch gas sector will
address these matters.


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