The potential impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from tight Triassic sandstones

Feb 16, 2022 | Lecture Archive

Quinten Boersma (IF Technology)

The positive impact that natural fractures can have on geothermal heat production from low-permeability reservoirs has become increasingly recognised. In this study we present a hypothetical case study and use data from the recently drilled NLW-GT-01 well to assess the potential impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from tight reservoir rock. Our results show that the targeted Triassic reservoir formations are fractured and that these fractures can be extrapolated over the reservoir volume using newly available reprocessed seismic data. Furthermore, the modelling results show that, if open, these natural fractures can significantly enhance the effective permeability of the reservoir rock, thereby increasing the potential heat production by several orders of magnitude. Therefore, based on the presented findings and remaining uncertainties, we propose that measures which can test the potential of fracture-enhanced permeability under subsurface conditions should be considered for projects targeting deep and potentially fractured geothermal reservoirs.

For more information see the original paper:
Boersma, Q., Bruna, P., De Hoop, S., Vinci, F., Moradi Tehrani, A., & Bertotti, G. (2021). The impact of natural fractures on heat extraction from tight Triassic sandstones in the West Netherlands Basin: A case study combining well, seismic and numerical data. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 100, E6. doi:10.1017/njg.2020.21

About the presenter
Quinten Boersma studied Earth Sciences at Utrecht University and finished his PhD in Applied Geology at the TUDelft in November 2020. His PhD focussed on characterizing natural fracture networks using numerical modelling, outcrop analogues and subsurface case studies. The paper which will be presented during the meeting was one chapters of his dissertation. Currently Quinten is working as a geologist on different geothermal projects at IF Technology.


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PGK lecure 16-02-2022 Quinten Boersma (IF Technology) – The Impact of Natural Fractures on Heat Extraction

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